About Barrington
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Contact Us
Economic Development
Parking Map
Phone/Email Directory
Borough Services
Civil Rights Policy
Clerk’s Office
Construction/Residential Resale
Public Works >>
Leaf Collection Schedule
VEGETATIVE WASTE & BAGGED LEAF PICK UP Starting April 4th thru October 3rd regularly scheduled pickups will resume on Mondays. Bags and /or containers must not be any heavier than 50 lbs. You can leave bags untied. Vegetative waste containers are available at the Borough Hall. The DPW is providing courtesy pickups of the above on Thursdays weather and manpower permitting until the regularly scheduled pickup schedule resumes. If you have any vegetative waste for pick up after October 3rd you may put it out on bagged leaf pick up days. FALL LEAF COLLECTION SCHEDULE Tthe Borough will be divided into three(3) districts for the purpose of leaf collection. Each district will receive one collection per week. The districts and the scheduled collection dates are listed below (2011). Loose-leaf pickup season will begin the week of October 3rd and end the week of December 26th, weather permitting. Leaf signs will be posted the week prior to the districts scheduled pick up. Please place the leaves on the park strip between the curb and sidewalk. Do no put sticks, rocks, or any other debris in leaf piles, this can cause damage to the machines and create safety concerns for our employees.…
Report Hazardous Conditions
Residents, Please use the form below to report hazardous conditions to the Department of Public Works. [contact-form-7 id="1259" title="Report Maintenance Problem to Department of Public Works"]
Recycling and Trash Collection Regulations
BOROUGH OF BARRINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RECYCLING AND TRASH COLLECTION SCHEDULE AND REGULATIONS MONDAY Brush limbs & stumps (all year) Vegetative waste (April 6 – October 4, 2010) THURSDAY Commingle and Mixed paper collection (Single Stream), by S. Jersey Sanitation Stumps & Concrete – call the DPW office prior to Thursday’s pick up day and leave your address for Borough collection 547-2486 ext. 13 FRIDAY Trash collected by South Jersey Sanitation Appliances and scrap metal call the DPW office at 547-2486 prior to Friday pick-up and leave your address for Borough collection 547-2486 ext. 13 Reminder: Please do not put your trash or recyclable items to the curb any earlier than 1:00pm the day prior to your scheduled pick up and no later than 6:00am the day of your pick up. Borough Ordinance 792 – DPW Recycling and Trash Schedule & Regulations are available at the Borough Hall. Any questions, please contact the DPW at 547-2486. Camden County Household Special Waste Collection Schedule Barrington Recycling Regulations Appliance and Scrap Metal Brush, Limbs, Stumps Batteries Concrete/Block/Brick Construction Debris Commingle Leaf Pick-up Bagged Leaf Pick-up Spring Leaf Pick-up Mixed Papers Newspapers Corrugated Cardboard Fencing & RR Ties Tires Vegetative Waste Waste…
Stormwater Requirements and Regulations
Public Safety (Emergency)
Solicitor’s Permits
Tax Office
Vacant and Foreclosed Property Registration Information
VFW Hall Rental
The Borough of Barrington has taken over responsibility for the VFW Building, former home of VFW Post 7247, 109 Shreve Avenue, Barrington, NJ, 08007. While we will continue to honor the borough’s veterans with a dedicated area inside the building, we will also use this building for Senior Citizen events. The hall may also be rented for parties, meetings, fund raising, etc. Please call Councilwoman Patti Nicolson at (856) 982-8058 or contact her by email at pnicholson@barringtonboro.com for rental information.
Boards & Commissions >>
Board of Health
Planning Board
Recreation Committee
Contact: Councilman Craig Cowling, Director Councilman Mike Dinella Councilwoman Maureen Bergeron PILATES CLASS sponsored by Borough of Barrington Classes held in the Senior Center Go to www.vivapilates.net to sign up Today!
Borough Code
Council Meeting Business
Election & Voter Information
Employee Information
Local Representatives
Mayor and Council Info
Info for New Residents
Green Team
Community & Athletic Organizations
Parks, Fields & Trails
Parks & Fields
Walking Trails
Barrington Walking Trails Barrington’s walking trails were established in the Summer of 2010 by Eagle Scout candidate Ryan McMichael, a 14 year-old Barrington resident and member of Boy Scout Troop 64 of the First Baptist Church in Haddonfield. Thirteen trails loop throughout town and can be followed simply by following the small color-coded signs attached to the street signs in town. Trail Map 1 Trail Map 2 Trail Map 3 Read an article about the trails in The Retrospect newspaper here.
Dog Park
News and Events
Town Events
Harvest Festival
Newsletter Archives (Barrington’s On Track)
“Barrington’s On Track” is the name of our town’s quarterly print newspaper, where you can find town happenings, news from the mayor and council members, and more. View the August 2011 issue here.
Fire Prevention Alliance
229 Trenton Avenue, Barrington, NJ 08007
(856) 547-0706
About Barrington
Contact Us
Economic Development
Parking Map
Phone/Email Directory
Borough Services
Civil Rights Policy
Clerk’s Office
Construction/Residential Resale
Public Works >>
Leaf Collection Schedule
Report Hazardous Conditions
Recycling and Trash Collection Regulations
Stormwater Requirements and Regulations
Public Safety (Emergency)
Solicitor’s Permits
Tax Office
Vacant and Foreclosed Property Registration Information
VFW Hall Rental
Boards & Commissions >>
Board of Health
Planning Board
Recreation Committee
Borough Code
Council Meeting Business
Election & Voter Information
Employee Information
Local Representatives
Mayor and Council Info
Info for New Residents
Green Team
Community & Athletic Organizations
Parks, Fields & Trails
Parks & Fields
Walking Trails
Dog Park
News and Events
Town Events
Harvest Festival
Newsletter Archives (Barrington’s On Track)
Fire Prevention Alliance
Town Events