229 Trenton Avenue, Barrington, NJ 08007
(856) 547-0706

Barrington VFW Senior Community Center Hall Rental Information

The Borough of Barrington owns the VFW Senior Community Center building, former home of VFW Post 7247, 109 Shreve Avenue, Barrington, NJ, 08007.

The hall is available for private party rentals for parties, meetings, fund raising, etc.

  • Private rental rate $500.00 for five hours (5) including setup and cleanup
  • All rentals require a $100 down payment at booking to secure the date
  • We only accept cash or check for payment
  • All renters serving alcohol must provide a Certificate of Insurance naming the Borough as an additional insured. Information about the insurance requirements along with the rental application and hold harmless agreement is available with the hall rental paperwork.
  • Hourly rate for meetings Mon-Thurs. is $35 per hour
  • Maximum Occupancy is 100 people.
  • For the hall rental paperwork click here: Hall Rental paperwork
  • Renters provide their own food, table covers, plates, cups, napkins, etc., and beverages.  Ice is available in the hall.

Please call Jennifer Trace, Rental Coordinator at (856) 547-0706 EXT 207 or contact by email at vfw@barringtonboro.com for rental information.